tirsdag 20. januar 2015

First ringing in 2015

The first ringing session in 2015. Frost in the morning, but the temperature increased to +3-4 degrees Celcius around noon. East 1-3 m/s, increasin to 4-5. Only the nets around the feeder were open 09-14.30. The remaining mist nets were cleared of twigs and othe debris after the recent storms, ready for later use. 

Ringed: Blackbird 2, tree sparrow 12, house sparrow 1, chaffinch 7. Total = 22. Also 14 controls. 

Observations: Hen harrier 2 (adult male and first-winter/female), peregrine 1, grey wagtail 1.  

This smart male chaffinch was the first bird ringed in 2015. The good numbers of wintering chaffinces is very unusual. 

Håvard Husebø.