lørdag 14. februar 2015

Late winter ringing

A pleasant day with very little wind, nice and sunny most of the time. Put up all the "winter nets" from around 10-16, but very quiet around the feeding station. Only five new birds ringed: Sparrowhawk 1 (adult female), redwing 1, song thrush 1 and tree sparrow 2. 

A redwing is always a good catch in winter, but....

...this song thrush was the bird of the day. A fairly scarce winter bird in SW Norway, this one was the first ever ringed at Revtangen BO in winter (although a late migrant(?) was trapped on December 1st 2003).

Redwing upper wing details. This one is easily aged as a first-winter by the white notches on the tertials and six juvenile outer greater coverts with similar white triangles.

Observations: Sparrowhawk 2, woodpigeon 1, collared dove 2,  skylark 1, meadow pipit 1.

Alf Tore Mjös

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