søndag 30. april 2017

Revtangen BO April 30th

Clear skies in the morning, and therefore a bit colder han yesterday - only 3 degrees and a frosty ground. The wind was light from SE the first few hours, but turned south and increased quite a lot. Trapping conditions were very poor after 9.30 with wind and sun in all the nets. 

Nets open 06-16, netmeter hours approx. 3000. 

Ringed: Eurasian Wryneck 2, White Wagtail 1, Meadow Pipit 2, European Robin 4, Common Redstart 2, Black Redstart 1, Song Thrush 2, Sedge Warbler 1, Common Whitethroat 1, Lesser Whitethroat 1, Willow Warbler 19, Chiffchaff 8, Siberian Chiffchaff 1, Pied Flycatcher 1, Greenfinch 1, Lesser Redpoll 1. Total = 48. Also 8 controls, including a Chiffchaff with a ring from Radolfzell/Germany. 

Lots of species made their first appearance in 2017 today. In order of apperance:

Sedge warbler. Sivsanger. 
Common Whitethroat, 2cy. Tornsanger 2K. 

 Lesser Whitethroat. Møller. 

Black Redstart 2cy male. Svartrødstjert, 2K hann. 

Eurasian Wryneck, 2cy. Vendehals 2K. 
Common Redstart, 3cy+ male. Rødstjert 3K+ hann. 

Ringmerket: Vendehals 2, linerle 1, heipiplerke 2, rødstrupe 4, rødstjert 2, svartrødstjert 1, måltrost 2, sivsanger 1, tornsanger 1, møller 1, løvsanger 19, gransanger 9 (inkl. 1 tristis), svarthvit fluesnapper 1, grønnfink 1, brunsisik 1. Total = 48. Også 8 kontroller, inkl. en gransanger med ring fra Radolfzell/Tyskland. 

Alf Tore Mjøs. 1 visitor.

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